Geri and CRCs, research hubs and other collaborations

Cooperative Research Centres (CRCs) and many research hubs and other collaborations are focused on knowledge exchange between researchers, industry, government, and other end users or stakeholders.

Growing engagement capabilities using the Geri approach helps leaders and teams to:

  • Better position to attract and grow funding and capabilities

  • Develop a common approach and language for engagement (relevant across roles, disciplines and levels of seniority)

  • Demonstrate a strategic approach to engagement (focused on what’s important and what’s doable)

  • Better shape priorities, manage work and evaluation success with due regard to engagement and stakeholder needs or expectations

  • Proactively identify and mitigate engagement-related risks

  • Provide high value professional development in a cost effective way

  • Understand and leverage individual and team engagement strengths, and address any prioritised gaps or weaknesses

  • Better deliver against funding and support milestones and expectations

  • Demonstrate value for money and return on investment.

Contact us for a quote or further information.

What working with Geri might look like:

  • Present on Geri to your leadership / collaboration team.

  • Co-facilitated session using Geri at leadership / team retreat (tailored in context of the CRC / hub / collaboration).

  • Tailored Geri workshop(s) undertaken within initial (or later) phase of collaboration project / investment.

  • Integrate Geri training / professional development into collaboration timeline, with prioritised cohorts (e.g. lead investigators, researchers working with specific organisations, new ECRs or PhD candidates).