Geri and major research projects, investments and opportunities
Many research-related investments projects, opportunities and collaborations increasingly benefit from a greater focus on engagement capabilities - to unlock their potential, and address the needs or expectations of end users, funders or other stakeholders.
Geri’s 3Ds approach (demystify, diagnose, develop) helps leaders and teams:
Develop a strategic, purposeful approach to engagement (focused on what’s important and what’s doable)
Achieve engagement outcomes that stakeholders value
Proactively think about value for money / return on investment
Gain insights which enhance and inform research and/or teaching
Choose an appropriate capability development response (Scaleable: one off PD sessions through to integrated change management approach)
Play to individual and/or team strengths and address gaps
Mitigate engagement-related project risks
Easily overlay university, faculty, team and individual context.
Contact us for a quote or further information.
What working with Geri might look like:
Present on Geri to your leadership / project team.
Co-facilitate a Geri session at leadership/team retreat (tailored in context of major research investments, projects or opportunities).
Conduct a Geri workshop(s) within initial (or later) phase of project / investment.
Integrate Geri training / professional development into project timeline, with prioritised cohorts (e.g. lead investigators, researchers working with specific organisations, new ECRs or PhD candidates).
Use the Geri approach to inform change management (e.g. Geri capability roadmap for new precinct investment, Geri workshop as part of the annual / biannual review process for major research projects or hubs).
Use Geri to inform talent decisions (recruitment, performance assessments, promotions, investment) to de-risk and enable faculty, project or institution engagement-related ambitions.