Geri Library

We curate and make available to our clients - and through our workshops and other services - leading practice insights and frameworks across each Geri capability area - including specific examples and cases relevant to various audiences (e.g. STEM, HASS, specific disciplines, graduate research students, early career researchers, academic leaders, etc).

Our work, workshops and the Geri approach is informed by a diversity of insights; some original to us, others curated from evidence-based research, leading practice and useful resources elsewhere.

The following provide an insight into this body of knowledge:

  • Geri: the backstory

  • Engagement as a major change or transformation agenda

  • Diving as a powerful metaphor for exploring engagement

  • Why we work: insights from an expert

  • Why capabilities matter for individual and organisational success

  • Visualising your career interests and options

  • Lenses: thinking broadly about your research

  • Lenses: knowledge transfer or exchange

  • Lenses: types of impact

Please contact us for further information.